八年级初二英语上 人教版国家特级教师同步辅导【全18讲】(1.53G)
- 教程大小:1.49 GB
- 教程来源:网友上传
- 更新时间:2021-01-29 17:59:30
- 教程类别:初中 / 英语
- 教程语言:简体中文
- 教程格式:avi
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Culture Unit1 Part1
Culture Unit1 Part2
Culture Unit2 Part1
Culture Unit2 Part2
review 1-6
review 7-12
Unit1 How often do you take exercise
Unit2 What's the matter
Unit3 What are you doing
Unit4 How do you get to school
Unit5 Can you come to my party
Unit6 I am more outgoing than my sister
Unit7 How do you make banana smoothie
Unit8 How was your school trip
Unit9 When was he born
Unit10 I am going to be a basketball player
Unit11 Could you please clean your room
Unit12 What's the best radio station
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