
九年级英语全一册 特级教师辅导 义务教育课程标准 【45讲】

  • 教程大小:4.15 GB
  • 教程来源:网友上传
  • 更新时间:2014-12-05 12:04:56
  • 教程类别:初中 / 英语
  • 教程语言:简体中文
  • 教程格式:avi
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九年级英语上01 Unit 1--- How do you study for a test

九年级英语上02 Unit 1--- How do you study for a test

九年级英语上03 Unit 1--- How do you study for a test

九年级英语上04 Unit 2--- I used to be afraid of the dark.

九年级英语上05 Unit 2--- I used to be afraid of the dark.

九年级英语上06 Unit 2--- I used to be afraid of the dark.

九年级英语上07 Unit 3--- Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

九年级英语上08 Unit 3--- Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

九年级英语上09 Unit 3--- Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

九年级英语上10 Unit 4--- What would you do

九年级英语上11 Unit 4--- What would you do

九年级英语上12 Unit 4--- What would you do

九年级英语上13 Unit 5--- It must belong to Carla.

九年级英语上14 Unit 5--- It must belong to Carla.

九年级英语上15 Unit 1--5 复习

九年级英语上16 Unit 6--- I like music that I can dance to.

九年级英语上17 Unit 6--- I like music that I can dance to.

九年级英语上18 Unit 6--- I like music that I can dance to.

九年级英语上19 Unit 7--- Where would you like to visit

九年级英语上20 Unit 7--- Where would you like to visit

九年级英语上21 Unit 7--- Where would you like to visit

九年级英语上22 Unit 8--- I’ll help clean up the city parks.

九年级英语上23 Unit 8--- I’ll help clean up the city parks.

九年级英语上24 Unit 8--- I’ll help clean up the city parks.

九年级英语下25 Unit 9--- When was it invented

九年级英语下26 Unit 9--- When was it invented

九年级英语下27 Unit 9--- When was it invented

九年级英语下28 Unit 10 ---By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.

九年级英语下29 Unit 10--- By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.

九年级英语下30 Unit6--10复习

九年级英语下31 Unit 11--- Could you please tell me where the restrooms are

九年级英语下32 Unit 11 ---Could you please tell me where the restrooms are

九年级英语下33 Unit 11--- Could you please tell me where the restrooms are

九年级英语下34 Unit 12 ---You’re supposed to shake hands.

九年级英语下35 Unit 12--- You’re supposed to shake hands.

九年级英语下36 Unit 12 ---You’re supposed to shake hands.

九年级英语下37 Unit 13 ---Rainy days make me sad.

九年级英语下38 Unit 13--- Rainy days make me sad.

九年级英语下39 Unit 13 ---Rainy days make me sad.

九年级英语下40 Unit 14 ---Have you packed yet

九年级英语下41 Unit 14--- Have you packed yet

九年级英语下42 Unit 14--- Have you packed yet

九年级英语下43 Unit 15--- We’re trying to save the manatees!

九年级英语下44 Unit 15--- We’re trying to save the manatees!

九年级英语下45 Unit11---15复习


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  • 新目标九年级英语 曹玉珍 名师课堂 【全30讲】(2.1G)
  • 九年级英语全一册 特级教师辅导 义务教育课程标准 【45讲】
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