善恩英语 美国小学语文 Wonders G1
- 教程大小:5.77 GB
- 教程来源:网友上传
- 更新时间:2020-12-15 17:00:33
- 教程类别:小学 / 小学通用
- 教程语言:简体中文
- 教程格式:mp4
- 本套课程 共需:50点
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- 微信红包支付:8821 7379 支付宝、网银支付【进入页面】
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│ │ 【11】Read Aloud G1.zip
│ │ 【1】G1新增部分.rar
│ │ 【3】ReadingWriting Workshop Grade1.rar
│ │ 【4】Literature Anthology Grade 1.rar
│ │ 【希尔集团】 G1 共15本.rar
│ │
│ ├─G1 Wonders Leveled Readers
│ │ Reading Wonders.G1.Leveled Readers.Approaching level.rar
│ │ Reading Wonders.G1.Leveled Readers.Beyond-level.rar
│ │ Reading Wonders.G1.Leveled Readers.ELL.rar
│ │ Reading Wonders.G1.Leveled Readers.On-level.rar
│ │ Reading Wonders.G1.Wonders Leveled Readers MP3.rar
│ │
│ ├─Level Up
│ │ Level Up Lessons G1 Approaching to On.pdf
│ │ Level Up Lessons G1 ELL to On.pdf
│ │ Level Up Lessons G1 On to Beyond.pdf
│ │
│ ├─Reading Wonders.exercise G1
│ │ └─Reading Wonders.exercise.G1
│ │ Reading Wonders.Assessment.Benchmark assessment.G1.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Assessment.Selection tests.G1.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Assessment.Unit assessment.G1.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Assessment.Weekly Assessment.G1.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Approaching Reproducibles.G1 SE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Approaching Reproducibles.G1 TE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Beyond Reproducibles.G1 SE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Beyond Reproducibles.G1 TE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.ELL Reproducibles.G1 SE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.ELL Reproducibles.G1 TE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Grammar Practice Reproducibles.G1 SE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Grammar Practice Reproducibles.G1 TE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Phonics Spelling Reproducibles.G1 SE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Phonics Spelling Reproducibles.G1 TE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Your turn practice.G1 SE.pdf
│ │ Reading Wonders.Practice.Your turn practice.G1 TE.pdf
│ │
│ └─Wonders G1 Teacher Edition
│ 1.pdf
│ 2.pdf
│ 3.pdf
│ 4.pdf
│ 5.pdf
│ 6.pdf
├─Unit01 Getting to konw us
│ Week 1 At School .mp4
│ Week 2 Where I Live.mp4
│ Week 3 Our Pets.mp4
│ Week 4 Let's Be Friends.mp4
│ Week 5 Let's Move.mp4
├─Unit02 Our Community
│ Week 1 Jobs Around Town.mp4
│ Week 2 Buildings All Around.mp4
│ Week 3 A Community in Nature.mp4
│ Week 4 Let's Help.mp4
│ Week 5 Follow the Map.mp4
├─Unit03 Changes Over Time
│ Week 1 What Time Is It.mp4
│ Week 2 Watch It Grow.mp4
│ Week 3 Tales Over Time.mp4
│ Week 4 Now and Then.mp4
│ Week 5 From Farm to Table.mp4
├─Unit04 Animals Everywhere
│ Week 1 Animal features.mp4
│ Week 2 Animals Together.mp4
│ Week 3 In the Wild.mp4
│ Week 4 Insects!.mp4
│ Week 5 Working with Animals.mp4
├─Unit05 Figure it Out
│ Week 1 See It, Sort It.mp4
│ Week 2 Up in the Sky.mp4
│ Week 3 Great Inventions.mp4
│ Week 4 Sounds All Around.mp4
│ Week 5 Build It!.mp4
└─Unit06 Together We Can
Week 1 Friends Help Friends.mp4
Week 2 Families Around the World.mp4
Week 3 Pets are Our Friends.mp4
Week 4.1 Animals Need Our Care.mp4
Week 4.2 Animals Need Our Care.mp4
Week 5 Families Working Together.mp4
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